
Mirror Makeovers

I found a couple of mirrors while out one day thrifting and thought they could be a little updated..

mirrors before

mirror blue

I really like how this one came out. I painted it a light blue with grey glaze. You can't really see the glaze that well. It looks much better in person.

mirror red

This one looks a lot better in person too. I need to work on my mirror photo skills... I actually think I like the before better for this one but oh well.

DIY Hairpins

I recently made a couple batches of hairpins using assorted vintage pieces. Some are old earrings, some buttons, some jewelry findings. All are layered & glued together with super strong glue. I really like the way they came out.
hairpins 01 hairpins 02


Deco Nightstand Makeover

So this little vintage deco nightstand, which I'd found at a garage sale, had been sitting around for far too long. I finally decided to give it a well deserved facelift.

This is the before:
nightstand deco before

And after a little TLC & elbow grease:
nightstand deco green 01

&an upclose of the knob, which I think may be my favorite part:
nightstand deco green 02


Early American Style Vintage Desk Makeover

This, too, was taking up space in my garage for a long time. I decided to quit being lazy and just get this over with. I've never painted a large piece red so I thought what the heck.. This piece, to me, was rather boring so I thought it needed something bright to help it out.

Desk before:
red desk before

Desk after:
red desk
I like the way it turned out. I didn't really like how many coats it took to cover the primer and be a true red. All in all, I think it worked out.


1940's desk

60s desk mint green 01

I wish I had gotten a before photo of this. It was absolutely awful. It was somebody else's diy project gone terribly wrong. The bottom half was painted a bright flat pink, the top a baby blue, and pink & purple butterfly knobs to set it all off.

I sanded it all down, primed, painted it mint green & put a coat of clear poly on it. I had to buy some new knobs as all the originals were missing.

Vintage French Provincial Vanity

I found this and instantly fell in love with it. I knew from the yellow stains of nicotine that it would be a bitch to get clean.

french provincial vanity bf01

french provincial vanity bf03

There was way more nicotine on there than I originally thought. These photos are after I scrubbed the whole thing for about an hour.

french provincial vanity

frenchh prov vanity upclose

This is probably my favorite piece so far. It looks so much better in person. It was really hard to convince myself to sell it.